Name: DarkCurves
Author: tsangk
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
Tags: simple topbar
Supports top bar menu *: yes
Supports side bar menu *: no
* depends on tags: topbar and sidebar
Well… curves (:
How to install
- go to: your wiki admin panel » appearance » themes
- choose External CSS theme
- supply the following URL as the CSS location
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s: "S"
miragescp-theme: "Miragescp_theme"
study: "Study"
reiwiki: "reiwiki"
kopan2: "KOPAN2"
kopan: "KOPAN"
fake-wikidot-standard: "fake-wikidot-standard"
gnl-1019283: "Gnl 1019283"
gnl-109557431160: "Gnl 109557431160"
local-code: "GNL 1939477"
paperui: "Paperui"
brazilian-scp-theme: "Brazilian SCP Theme"
new-mega-hub-theme: "New mega hub theme"
scp-blue: "SCP blue"
mega-hub-theme: "Mega hub theme"
aar-fixed: "AAR (Fixed)"
aar: "AAR"
a: "a"
qwq: "qwq"
a-cool-theme220: "A cool theme220"
insanity-arquives: "Insanity Arquives"
insanity-arquives-theme: "Insanity Arquives Theme"
cooltheme3: "Cooltheme3"
cool-theme2: "Cool theme2"
cool-theme: "Cool theme"
monoxide: "monoxide"
scp-theme: "SCP Wiki Theme"
ectolette: "ectolette"
scp-theme-basalt-edited: "SCP wiki theme balsalt edited"
n2s-rpc-theme: "n2s-rpc-theme"
catsville: "Catsville"
test-1: "test-1"
nobody2-s-theme-original-code-by-helloosme: "nobody2's theme(original code by HelloOSMe))"
scpsandbox-theme: "Scpsandbox Theme"
roundbox: "RoundBox"
astro: "Astro"
cdb-theme-modified-from-tsade-theme: "CDB Theme (Modified from Tsade Theme)"
c-documention-2: "C Documention"
hq-order: "HQ Order"
o5commandtheme: "o5commandtheme"
xwdg: "XWDG"
scp-info: "Scp info"
unaac-theme-rpc-authority: "unaac theme-rpc authority"
black-supermacy-edited-for-rpc-sandbox: "Black supermacy(edited for rpc sandbox)"
sigma9: "Sigma9"
black-supermacy-cn: "Black Supermacy-CN"
dark-pretty-pink: "Dark Pretty Pink"
m-e-a-theme: "M.E.A Theme"
gaewgvawev: "gaewgvawev"
night-haze: "Night Haze"
c-case-theme: "C-Case Theme"
minecraft-style: "Minecraft Style"
test-theme: "test theme"
cloud-blog-v2-0: "云站V2.0(Cloud-Blog V2.0)"
moon-night: "moon night"
terminal-theme: "Terminal"
fcaz-portfolio: "FCAZ Portfolio"
tetra: "Tetra"
scp-koppa: "scp-koppa"
personal-test: "personal test"
test2-personal: "test2-personal"
pel-man-t-h: "Pel_man T_H"
testadwadwadwwad: "testadwadwadwwad"
foj-cn: "FoJ-cn"
pokegurps: "pokegurps"
polzovatelskaa: "пользовательская"
sunrise-from-darkness: "Sunrise From Darkness"
xupsilon-21: "XUpsilon-21"
starfall: "Starfall"
cubefidget: "CubeFidget"
unisons-epic-theme: "unisons epic theme"
hgkjmnbjkyu: "hgkjmnbjkyu"
cosmos: "Cosmos"
yotsuba: "Yotsuba"
edited-theme-486: "edited theme 486"
sample: "Sample"
lhteh: "LH theme"
facility: "facility"
disrememberment-thingy: "disrememberment thingy"
test: "test"
sandbox-harder: "Sandbox Harder"
8fo-dark: "8fo Dark"
guardians-bumble-bee: "Guardians bumble bee"
tema-sencillo: "Tema Sencillo"
pru7: "pru7"
pru6: "pru6"
pru5: "pru5"
pru4: "pru4"
pru3: "pru3"
pru2: "pru2"
pru: "pru"
swing: "swing"
agnostitheme: "AgnostiTheme"
ethics-committee: "ethics committee"
dreamy: "dreamy"
testnico: "TestNico"
woodcut-plus-faster: "Woodcut plus faster"
gusano: "Gusano"
your-blog: "Your Blog"
myownthemeblue: "myownthemeblue"
myownthemered: "myownthemered"
sigma-9: "Sigma-9"
random: "Random"
scp: "SCP"
iea: "Iea"
hectopia: "Hectopia"
tsade: "Tsade"
bruh: "Bruh"
wds-theme: "Wds theme"
expcatalan: "expcatalan"
ci: "Ci"
draft-theme: "Draft Theme"
scap-theme: "Scap Theme"
d14-wiki-theme: "D14 Wiki Theme"
scp-ethics-committee: "Comité d'Éthique"
super-dr-green-1: "Super Dr Green 1"
wx-jq: "Wx Jq"
que-foundation: "Que Foundation"
superskyyy: "Superskyyy"
scp-s-safe: "SCP's Safe"
edited-matalex-red: "Edited Matalex Red"
desciclopedia-gustavo: "Desciclopédia Gustavo"
mpo228: "mpo228"
springingtraps-scpwiki: "springingtraps_scpwiki"
mephtest: "MephTest"
mephi: "Mephi"
fmdeaux: "FMdeaux"
scp-001: "SCP-001 - En Attente de Déclassification Bloqué"
aliqasho: "aliqasho"
prettyinpurple-adapted: "Prettyinpurple ADAPTED"
office-by-squark-readjusted: "office by Squark Readjusted"
fmdeux: "FMdeux"
metzo: "Metzo"
silencio: "None Remember Theme"
foundationmedical: "foundationmedical"
helloworld: "helloworld"
se: "SE (Private Theme)"
matalex-orange-black: "Matalex Orange Black"
taruhan-togel: "Taruhan Togel"
agenjudi-slot: "AgenJudi-Slot"
denturgent: "DentUrgent"
noise: "Noise"
creepypasta: "creepypasta"
zemmerialex: "Zemmerialex"
lots: "LOTS"
havokrp-official: "HavokRP Official"
crastion-definitivo-1: "Crastion Definitivo 1"
asdsdfg: "asdsdfg"
fdgsdfgh: "fdgsdfgh"
asdasf: "asdasf"
hello-cras: "hello cras"
web-crastion-3: "Web Crastion 3"
web-crastion-2: "Web Crastion 2"
web-crastion: "Web Crastion"
web-crast: "Web Crast"
web-cras: "Web Cras"
web2-0: "Web2.0"
daniel-vanegas: "daniel.vanegas"
yellow-metal-raw: "Yellow Metal Raw"
white-metal-raw: "White Metal Raw"
blue-metal-raw: "Blue Metal Raw"
idontknowwhati-mdoing: "IdontKnowWhatI'mDoing"
testtheme2: "TestTheme2"
illusorystesttheme: "IllusorysTestTheme"
red-metal-raw: "Red Metal Raw"
vehiculos-hibridos: "Vehículos Híbridos"
corp-clan-guild-v2-0: "Corp-Clan-Guild-v2.0"
soulz: "soulz"
flannel-bw: "Flannel BW"
lt-rekt: "LT-REKT"
rkwiki: "RKWIKI"
flannel-monochrome: "Flannel Monochrome"
projectshinra: "projectshinra"
testcustom: "TestCustom"
matalex-pink: "Matalex Pink"
matalex-grey: "Matalex Grey"
matalex-dark: "Matalex Dark"
ci-theme-falchion-i: "CI Theme - Falchion I"
nemesis-worlds: "Nemesis Worlds"
budakchat: "Budakchat"
eso: "eso"
vtm: "vtm"
city-of-sin-rpg: "City of Sin RPG"
till-dawn: "till dawn"
tdtest: "TDtest"
borba: "borba"
drakonian-autumn: "Drakonian Autumn"
teste: "Teste"
mind-body-soul: "Mind Body Soul"
ultimati-s-theme: "Ultimati's Theme"
dbuj: "dbuj"
the-art-in-articles: "The Art in Articles"
blog: "blog"
256rxd: "256rxd"
256test: "256test"
modified-dark-brand: "Modified Dark Brand"
shades-of-grey: "Shades of Grey"
cryingonions: "CryingOnions"
testing: "testing"
blood-of-destiny: "Blood of Destiny"
anapella-sidebar: "Anapella Sidebar"
super-slim: "Super Slim"
project3dpilot: "Project3DPilot"
scholar: "Scholar"
morning-graphpaper: "morning-graphpaper"
rough-night: "Rough Night"
just-content: "Just content"
clean-without-underline: "clean without underline"
neon: "neon"
cas-2: "CAS 2"
lightbrand: "LightBrand"
darkbrand: "DarkBrand"
earthbrand: "EarthBrand"
aetherbrand: "AetherBrand"
waterbrand: "WaterBrand"
icebrand: "IceBrand"
windbrand: "WindBrand"
thunderbrand: "ThunderBrand"
firebrand: "FireBrand"
magmabrand: "MagmaBrand"
metalbrand: "MetalBrand"
webbrand: "WebBrand"
creative: "Creative"
kingfisher: "Kingfisher"
the-amazing-space-test: "The Amazing Space test"
stt: "stt"
one-line: "One Line"
fotocr: "Fotocr Theme"
ashlayne-main: "ashlayne-main"
main-stylesheet: "main-stylesheet"
super-blue: "Super Blue"
god-s-promise: "God's Promise"
basic-iphone-theme: "basic iPhone theme"
spitfire: "SpitFire"
super: "Super"
maple: "Maple"
earthling-two: "earthling-two"
codeing: "codeing"
paper-trail: "Paper Trail"
hello-dark: "Hello Dark"
hello: "Hello"
obsidian-developer: "Obsidian Developer"
emerald-developer: "Emerald Developer"
tanzanite-developer: "Tanzanite Developer"
malachite-developer: "Malachite Developer"
garnet-developer: "Garnet Developer"
amethyst-developer: "Amethyst Developer"
quartz-developer: "Quartz Developer"
topaz-developer: "Topaz Developer"
sapphire-developer: "Sapphire Developer"
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