Freshly Squeezed Apple
rating: +2+x

Name: Freshly Squeezed Apple

Author: bcammobcammo
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License

Tags: bmc flexible freshly-squeezed green sidebar topbar

Supports top bar menu *: yes
Supports side bar menu *: yes
* depends on tags: topbar and sidebar


The Freshly Squeezed themes, now arriving at Wikidot, are designed to be simple and flexible. Available in a range of colours, these themes are sure to suit all of your needs.

The theme is a fixed width of 960px, and the sidebar can be position on the left, right or not displayed at all, to maximise the screen real estate. It also includes customised buttons, comments and a 'masthead' infobox to really capture your visitors attention.

How to install

  • go to: your wiki admin panel » appearance » themes
  • choose External CSS theme
  • supply the following URL as the CSS location



Customise it!

You can change the way the theme appears by adding the following code snippets to either individual pages or a live template.

Left sidebar

[[module CSS]]
#page-title {margin-left: 10px;}
#side-bar {float: left;}
#main-content {
    float: right;
    border-right: none;
    border-left: 1px solid #ccc;

No sidebar

[[module CSS]]
#side-bar {display: none;}
#main-content {
    width: 100%;
    border: none;
#page-content {
    width: 97%;


Grab the attention of your visitors with this visually appealing masthead infobox. All you have to do is create a div with the class masthead, and then add one line of CSS in a CSS module. You may need to adjust the value of padding-top, depending on how high your masthead is.

[[module CSS]]
#content-wrap {padding-top: 300px;}

[[div class="masthead"]]
[[f<image :first]]
+ Type you tagline, slogan or something else in here.

Browser Support

The theme has been tested in the following browsers, and appears to render properly:

  • Safari 4+
  • Firefox 3.4+
  • Chrome 6+
  • Opera 9.6+
  • Internet Explorer 8


  • November 17, 2010: First release (v1.0).
    • coloured variation: apple


If you've noticed a bug with the theme, or would like to give some suggestions, just head over to - we'd love to hear from you.

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